Monday, September 14, 2009

If i am a fruit, i will be...

If i were to be a fruit, i would be a Pong Pong, as it is poisonous and most of the animals and humans know that it is not edible, thus, i would probably not be eaten, and if even a animal that does not know 'i' am poisonous and eat me, that animal would probably die because of the poison inside 'me', and i will be able to get "my revenge" of that animal that ate me, overall i chose Pong Pong mostly because i really do not want to get eaten.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

NE Show

I went to the ndp on Saturday and it was awesome especially the spectacular ending-RAIN. It just started to have the fireworks display and suddenly there was a heavy downpour. I was drenched!! There was a waterfall at the stairs. It was fun. At the start, it drizzled abit but i called the weather forecast and they said it would only rain at about 8.30p.m. and it did. The show was awesome too, at first i thought the people in the boxes was just animation but when i looked closer i realised the people inside the boxes beside 'The Big Eye' was real. I brought Macdonalds and KFC for dinner. I did not take my zinger meal as i could not eat spicy. I loved it when they were showing wars, and when the soldiers were shooting their guns into the sky, we said that soon there would be birds falling down. The helicopter part was really cool too. People just jump down on parachutes and i was wondering how could they control the parachute with the wind.I feel that this year's parade beats any other year's ndp. This year's is awesome and much more funnier. At the start, the 'Big Eye' said if we shouted they would on the air-con at 7p.m. plus but the did not, not alot remembered that at 7 plus. The funpack was good too, although i did not really ate or drink anything from it, i liked the bag. It was a enjoyable trip. The show is mainly telling the story of Singapore in 10 chapters. Overall, i feel that this is an very very very enjoyable trip . It was also my first time going home so late from school.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A trip to the bad service macdonald with Wei Zheng

By the way, Wei Zheng allows me to use his name. Wei Zheng went my house to play and we went to Macdonald for lunch. When we went, we ordered and the person at the counter was so rude! She actually raised her voice. Her name was Jenny, we wanted to complain to the manager but we did not. We ordered a McChicken set and a double cheese burger set. We enjoyed the meal. We also rode bikes there. Having friends over to play with me is really very fun!!!!

A trip to jack's place.

It was a weekday and my mother brought me to jack's place. At that time, there was a Ben 10 show going on live there, it was really childish. People were queuing for hours just to watch it. I ate steak that was so nice. My cousin ordered a seafood salad , it was nice too. I ate all the prawns ;D
My parents always bring me there for lunch, i do not know why they like it so much because i get sick of steak sometimes. Jack's place serves other food though, their fish and chips is good too.
Although i still prefer Seoul Garden, a buffet restaurant. My parents do not like to go there because it is very expensive and they think it is not worth it.I was heart broken when i heard that D;


My mum brought me to a movie called Monsters VS Aliens. It was about a girl that got hit by a meteor that was filled with power. It was from the Aliens. The girl turned so gigantic that it could step on a normal person. She was held captive with other monsters by the police in case she kills anybody. But when aliens attack, monsters are needed! The monsters won in the end, and destroyed the whole alien team. I look forward to another comedy so funny, i would be sure to be there at its preview!


I recently watched this movie called Th3teen ghosts. It is a very scary horror movie that is the 1st movie to actually give me nightmares. The directors illustrated the ghosts so scary. There was a family that would have to overcome the ghosts and try to escape. I was specially afraid of the 6th ghost. The venom. It was SOOO SCARY it could stick out his tongue and capture people. From then on, i never ever watched that show again!


I was so bored that i actually had a idea to not sleep a whole night, and i made it! I was watching TV throughout the whole night and found it fun! Although i slept the whole day the next day.
It was so cool to be awake and watching TV at 3 a.m alone. I went online too. It was so cool.
But i never want to go without sleeping ever again! It was so tiring the next day. I was so very very pissed. I probably wont do it again.


There is too much homework!!!! There was a whole ton of chinese worksheets, a math calender that is really really really hard!! And a whole lot of other stuff. I was seriously pissed. There was once when i was doing chinese that i actually slept on my study table!!! I thought holidays were for you to relax and take a break. Overall, i think teachers should not give too much Homework on long holidays.

East Coast

I went to east coast and it was really fun. Me, my mother and I had a bike each, we wanted to rent a chalet there and stay there but we realised it had no BBQ pit, So we did not stay. We rode the whole of East Coast Park, We went there on a weekday so there was not a lot of people.After that, we went to KFC for dinner, then we went home. Overall, I really enjoyed the trip to east coast park.



My holidays are always boring, i do not go overseas and at home it is either TV, Computer,Homework, and that's like all i can do myself, when my mother takes leave, she brings us out too . I am really bored now too.

Favorite place


My Favorite place is actually at Internet Cafe. Its not like PC Bunk nor HQ its just a random one, no teens and gangsters. I often go there because my computer does not have any games. I usually play this game called Gunz. It is a game that requires you to shoot people, you could use melee too.
Whenever i tell my friends about it, they think that it is a place with a whole lot of teens and gangsters, the true fact is that it only has children around my age and some old people that go there to watch dramas. Overall, i always look forward to a trip to the Internet Cafe.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Yoz Everyone .

I am like posting at 12 plus....And am tired....D;.My P5 camp was a bit horrid and a bit good.
The campfire was okay though..Its was quite boring too -.-Overall i found the camp okay.I also dislike Mr. Tong and Hwa Jie(trainer) now because he totally made us DIRTY DEAD !!It was in this activity....called i think entanglement.The one with the yellow ropes and we cant touch them.We had to crawl under the strings and there was dried mud!So very very dirty.But some girl...i would'nt mention her name said it was dead boring!!!!Hence,Mr. Tong called us to refil our water bottles then poured water in the mud!Making it from dried mud to totally wet mud!And he said so it was going to be 'more fun'He even poured water ON ME as in ON ME while i was doing it.So for revenge-The boys poured water on the girls that were passing through as the boys went first.My favourite activity is the height elements although i was kind of shivering through the whole process.The moment i climbed up,ready to balance,i looked down,there i was going 'I WANT TO COME DOWN' but i still managed to make it all the way through.I found it very funny when we were watching the girls scream 'AHH!I WANT TO COME DOWN!MUMMY!'And we were laughing like mad.My second best activity was rock-climbing,especially when it was falling time,i just jumped and hanged in the air like superman then they slowly lowered me down.........The activity i hated most was the animals sound done in the MPH(Muti-Purpose Hall).It was way boring i mean super boring.I also learnt a new lesson-New generation,girls are very selfish. I learnt that during the backstreet cooking the boys were chating abit and when the food was barbecued,the girls finshed it all!I was so mad i went to the trainer so i ate the other groups food.MUHAHAHAH ;D
There was another activity which i forgot its name was some people to sit on a log and they have to lie back and there will be a supporter holding you.Lieing back and supporting wasn't a easy task,trust me,wait till you try it yourself it is easier said then be done i am sure of that.Did i mention that the food sucked as in sucked?Well if i did not here is it.The food sucked.It cant be compared to my home food-Tasty home-cooked food by my grandmother.During meal times.On the first day.Some of you that are actually reading my blog might hear me saying No more happy happy or happy happy.Let me tell you what i actually did.Truthfully i was being very unfair-those that i knew, i give them abit of vegetables,those that i hate,i give them 1 gigantic spoonful of vegetables.This is because most of the people hate vegetables.Those that i don't know,then i will depend on happy happy or no happy happy.Happy happy means less vegetable because there is little left,and no happy happy means alot of vegetable because there is alot and we might not even have enough food.Me and the other 3 servers agreed on 1 thing was that i leave no vegetables,one of the other server leaves 4 BIG pieces of fish,the other server leaves 4 pieces of hot dogs,and the last server leaves 4 pieces of apple.The happening in the bath time and in the A-huts.On the second day of camp,one of my friend forgot to close the door and the changed as in no cloths at all.And one girl came by and saw him naked.I shall not reveal his name incase he comes after me.Luckily i was not changing in that time.I also found myself very lucky as my group was the group to clean the MPH and the Campfire.It took only 5mins for us to finsh it.Then we went to ALL the trainers we can see to get their autograph on our booklets and our shirts,or hands.We also bullied our trainer,Hwa Jie.I also realised that Kristen(trainer) hates Hwa Jie(trainer) because they both were arguing on MY SHIRT!They wrote stuff on my shirt and argued on my shirt.I still remember the first 2 lines when Kristen wrote,'Hwa Jie is an ugly monster and Kristen is handsome.Kristen is the only handsome in the world.'And Hwa Jie canceled only handsome into only ugly and the Kristen is handsome into Hwa Jie is handsome and lastly Hwa Jie is an ugly monster into Kristen into an ugly monster.I also felt very lucky that i am in group 1 because all meal times all dismissals are always group 1 go first.When it was dismissal time,i was feeling too happy to be true it was like i won jackpot 1million US dollars.The moment i went on the bus,I fell asleep.I was too tired to even play with my friends.My friend also fell asleep too.The road back to school and the road to the campsite pasted alot and i say alot of cemetries.My friend was scared stiff.When i reached school,i went around finding my mother and could not find her so i went home through a taxi.Blah Blah Blah

Overall i find this camp not bad and not nice , not horrid and not good . It was normal.
So thats all.
So Cya!On my next post.REMINDER go to thats my real blog.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009


My Hobbies are not much though.Most of them is like playing computer games and just like riding my bicycle around.Sometimes scooter .For other hobbies....Hmm...I like to sometimes just go downstairs and just buy tons of food and come back to watch television and stuff my mouth full.
Thats also what i do when i am pissed.
I don have like any real hobbies so thats like all.So cya ! ::)



I so agree with the stress problem of children .As in now a days people move very fast and sometimes i cant even catch up!And of course teachers give tooo much homework!That,i think
most of other pupils agree to this.I think teachers and schools should plan more entertainment for us if not we might overload,like excursions?.....And extra recess!Just saying that teachers should not also make pupils do and do and do and do work,'cause its toooooo much stress!.So ya thats kind of all.


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Not posting here.If you want to see my posts n stuff go to .